The Lamb and Goat show is an annual livestock show for 4-H participants. It is hosted by the Block and Bridle Club and is a great opportunity for the 4-H kids to show the lambs and goats that they have been training. It took place at the Stanley P. Wilson Beef Teaching Unit which worked out well even in the midst of a downpour from Tropical Storm Fay. Some people went to great extremes in order to stay dry in the midst of the heavy rain.
The first step involves a health check and weigh in. The health check was provided by Dr. Misty Edmondson. The scales for the weigh in were also provided for us.
Once through the health check, the next step is to bathe and groom the animal so that it looks its best in the ring.
The actual show began with classes in showmanship, then continued with classes based on characteristics of the animal. The sheep portion of the show was first. All of the animals were judged by Mr. Bob Britton who graciously flew all the way from California for the show.
The conclusion of the sheep portion brought many great photo opportunities with participants proud to show off the ribbons that they had won.
We had a brief break between the sheep show and the goat show.
Then it was time for the goats.
The end of the goat portion also brought about many more photo opportunities.
Then it was time for the goats.
The end of the goat portion also brought about many more photo opportunities.