Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 4th Meeting: Minutes

First Meeting
September 4, 2008
203 Upchurch
Minutes taken by B&B Secretary Emily Owen

Meeting was called to order.

Jeremy made announcements about the success of the Lamb and Goat show this year and thanked those who worked the Uniontown Herd Builder Sale. Membership deadline and Wooden B deadline to be October 2nd. Collection box for B's will be in Upchurch before deadline.

Brandon gave treasury report.

Junior Ag Council rep will be voted on next meeting.

T-shirt designs will be taken up at next meeting
- buckle orders in October
- open to other ideas: caps, pullovers, etc.

Check out the B&B blog! Thanks to Amy Bley.

Junior advisor nominations: Dr. Frank Owsley

John Starnes asked for participation in the intramural football team. At least 4 girls must participate to make a team.

Academic Quadrathalon will be October 19-21. Team signups begin October 2nd.

Hope introduced the speaker, Dr. Billy Powell, executive Vice President of the Alabama Cattlemen's Association, for his talk on "The Future of Alabama's Beef Industry."
- Dr. Powell urges us to stay involved and stay active within the industry to keep it healthy
- Cowboy tag money goes to scholarships.

Jeremy thanked Dr. Powell for coming and announced that Dr. Fields will be coming for the next meeting to speak about bioterrorism.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

1st B and B Meeting-Sep 4th

For our first meeting of the year, Dr. Billy Powell, Executive Director of the Alabama Cattlemen's Association, came to speak to us about the beef industry in Alabama.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Block and Bridle 2008-2009 Fall Schedule

16- Lamb & Goat Show
21- B&B Roundup
27- O-Night
29- Uniontown Replacement Heifer Sale

04- Meeting 7:00: Dr. Billy Powell, Executive Director of the
Alabama Cattlemen's Association: "The Future of Alabama's Beef Industry"
18- Meeting 7:00: (BTU) Mr. Fields and Crew- Bioterrorism Preparedness in Alabama

02- Meeting 7:00: Jama Singley, Lee County Animal Cruelty Investigator;
Deadline to turn in "B's" and dues
Team Signups for Academic Quadrathalon Begin
14-16 Sunbelt Ag Expo, Moultrie, GA
16- Meeting 7:00
19-21- Academic Quadrathalon
24- Academic Quadrathlon Awards Dinner
25- Debter Hereford Farm Bull Sale

06- Meeting 7:00
08- Ag Roundup
20- Thanksgiving Dinner
21- Alex City

06- Sunshine Farm Bull Sale

Important Spring Dates:
Regional Quadrathalon- January 30-February 1st
National Block and Bridle Convention- February 12-14